The most frequently asked questions and answers

Questions about the courses

The courses of the Media Masterclass are available free of charge to all members of the University of Passau. No special requirements are needed.

The following on-site workshops are regularly offered throughout the semester:

  • 66100 ZMK-Workshop: Einführung in die Videotechnik 1
  • 66101 ZMK-Workshop: Einführung in die Videotechnik 2
  • 66102 Media Masterclass: Einführung in den Videoschnitt
  • 66103 ZMK-Workshop: Einführung in die Audioproduktion
  • 66105 ZMK-Workshop: Grundlagen ZMK-Tonstudio (U15)
  • 66113 Media Masterclass: Grundlagen der Digitalfotografie

The workshop “66113 Media Masterclass: Grundlagen der Digitalfotografie” is only necessary if you do not have your own camera. By participating, you can borrow the photography equipment from the ZMK.

The registration is done through Stud.IP. You can find the workshops and their respective event numbers in the respective online courses.

Questions about the ZMK

The two media technicians, Franz Habel and Fritz Pflugbeil, are available as contact persons for general questions about the ZMK, studio production, the media masterclass workshops, and media projects.

Regarding e-learning and further education offerings for lecturers, lecture recordings, as well as communication and promotional films, Florian Tettenhammer and Uli Schwarz are your contact persons.

In addition, the Media Info Point, represented by Astrid Dittlmann and Moniera Ebner, supports you with questions regarding equipment rental, room reservations, as well as card and LR pool activation. Please address your questions to the Info Point via email at zmk@zim.uni-passau.de or visit them in person at Room ZMK 001.

This page provides you with an overview of the individual facilities of the ZMK.

The ZMK provides various devices for media production. For some devices, it is necessary to attend a prior workshop.

No prerequisites are required for the audio recording devices (Zoom H2n, Zoom H4).

You need to complete the on-site course 66100 “Videotechnik I” in order to borrow the video cameras (Panasonic AG-AC 160 and Panasonic AG-AC 90).

You need to complete the on-site course “66113 Media Masterclass: Einführung in die Grundlagen der Digitalfotografie” in order to borrow the photo cameras.

Students of media-related programs are given priority in equipment lending, as media production is a requirement for their progress in their studies.

The equipment lending is done through online reservation at verleih.zmk.uni-passau.de. The page is only accessible within the university network, via Citrix, or externally through VPN. Please consider the general terms and conditions of use. It is mandatory to have insurance coverage as students are responsible for any damages that may occur.

The equipment from the ZMK is not insured. In the event of damage, the borrower must pay for the damage. It is therefore advisable to take out insurance. Liability insurance is often not enough. Check with your insurance provider.

Equipment returned late will incur reminder fees. These and other rules can be found in our terms and conditions, which you can view at each loan transaction.

Standard batteries (AA as well as AAA) are not included with the devices.

There is no lending outside the opening hours. The current times can be found on the website of the online reservation system at verleih.zmk.uni-passau.de. The site is accessible on the Uninetz, via Citrix or via VPN from home.

All rooms of the ZMK have card access controls. Depending on the courses you have completed, you can have your Campuscard temporarily or permanently activated for the rooms. Here you can see an overview of the current conditions:

  • TV Studio U01/U02: Temporary for the respective project and after prior briefing. The studio can also be used without prior introduction in cooperation with the media technicians. Make an appointment for this with the media technicians.
  • Newsroom U03: Permanent for students of Journalism and Strategic Communication and Media and Communication after completing the course “66102 Introduction to Video Editing” or ” 66103 Einführung in die Audio Produktion”. Temporary for all other degree programs whose courses and workshops are held at the ZMK.
  • Edit-Suite U04: Permanent for students of Journalism and Strategic Communication as well as Media and Communication after completing the courses “66102 Grundlagen des Videoschnitts”, “66100 Einführung in die Videotechnology 1″ as well as ” 66103 Einführung in die Audioproduction”.
  • E-Learning Lab U10: Temporary for Lecturers
  • Recording Studio U15 and Speaker’s Booth U17: Permanent for students who have completed course 66105 “Grundlagen ZMK-Tonstudio”. Temporary activation depending on the project is also possible. It can also be used without prior introduction in cooperation with the media technicians. Make an appointment for this with the media technicians.
  • Radio studio U16: Temporary depending on the project.

Tickets can be activated via the Media Info Point in ZMK 001. Apart from free work in the Newsroom and Edit Suite, all other rooms must be reserved in advance. Students make reservations through the ZMK Media Infopoint. Lecturers should contact the room allocation office of the University of Passau.